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The Ai adoption program
There are no ethical guidelines to creating safe Ai and there is no one who feels like creating them, so we decided to take the matter into our own hands and put the issue on the doorstep of the dutch government.
collaboration with Yasmine van Maasakker
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From navigating the streets to your instagram feed, the impact of Ai (artificial intelligence) is already massive and there is not a single sign that it will become any less important in the future.

The way Ai is trained, is similar to the learning process of a human child. When a baby is learning to speak, someone has to point at a chair and tell the baby that it's a chair. This has to be repeated many times, before the baby starts recognizing chairs on his own. Both Ai and a baby highly depend on their caregivers to help them learn.

Since Ai learns from its makers, who is making sure they are teaching it ethical norms and values?

Since Ai is so new, there are hardly any laws which protect Ai from becoming evil. This gives the companies creating and training it, a lot of power over the future.

Ai is a baby without (caring) parents and it's about time someone took responsibility.

We cried for attention by putting AI as a foundling on the Binnenhof in The Hague to get the attention of the lawmakers. After that we went to the streets and put the baby in front of people's doors to ask if they would sign our citizens' initiative and symbolically adopt AI. With enough signatures the issue has to be discussed at the house of representatives.
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